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Welcome to the Almanac!


In early 2019 a friend introduced me to the world of CBD. My initial thoughts went to the taboo domain of marijuana and hippies. I was wrong! My nature is to learn. I’m a sponge when it comes to new ideas and information. After taking a deep dive into CBD, I found out that it is one of nature’s amazing creations. Like most people discovering CBD, I didn’t know what product I wanted, what form I wanted to take, or what type of CBD would help me. I started with the friend who introduced me to CBD. She was taking edibles and also using tinctures. She told me about dosages and how it helped her, but I needed more information. My next stop was the interwebs. Talk about going down a rabbit hole. As I said, I love information, but you can get lost for hours researching CBD and you may not learn a thing. Have you ever heard the phrase, you don’t know what you don’t know? Welcome to CBD.

The reason I created Edwin’s Edibles was to not only share what my kitchen produced, but to share and educate consumers like yourself to this wonderful Hemp plant. Thank you for joining me on this journey.